Townsend’s Warbler
TOWA- Scientific: Setophaga townsendi
- Spanish: Reinita de Townsend
- French: Paruline de Townsend
- Family: Wood Warblers
- Bird Code: TOWA
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Summer range lost
Winter range lost
Climate and other threats imore info
Generally they are found high up in the trees of mature coniferous forests. During migration they are easier to spot as they forage in smaller trees and shrubs.
Breed in Western Canada and the U.S. Pacific Northwest and winter in Mexico and Central America and along the U.S. Pacific Coast.
Did you know?
Female Townsend’s Warblers sometimes start building their nest in one tree and then move all the materials to another tree and finish the nest at the new site.