This project would not have been possible without the support of so many people and organizations.


Production grant from The Puffin Foundation

Full-year sabbatical from Nassau Community College

Residencies with

Ucross Foundation

Caldera Arts

Rensing Center


NYC Audubon


Provincetown Community Compact Dune Shack

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Arts Center on Governors Island

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Jen Kean my research assistant and to my family, friends, and curators who gave valuable feedback while working on this project and for those who gave me places to stay and/ or meals to eat, I greatly appreciate it.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to the birders and ornithologists who have shared their time, knowledge, and insights with me, particularly those at the Cornell Lab of Orthithology, NYC Audubon, and the Brooklyn Bird Club.

The statistics about climate threats and the types of impacts primarily come from the National Audubon Society website. Facts about habitat, range, and other details about the birds are created from information on The National Audubon website, The Cornell Lab’s All About Birds website, Sibley’s Guides, The IUCN Red List and conversations with ornithologists and birders. Information on what wild birds were called by the first people in North America come primarily from the Wild Birds Broadcasting website, compiled by James E. Ducey. If you know of any other interesting resources, especially those related to indigenous cultures and birds, please get in touch.

Image Credits

The photos I use of the climate-impacted birds to make my paper cutouts come from a variety of sources: A few of the bird photos are my own, some are purchased via stock photo agencies, others are from Flikr and Wikicommons (used with the creative commons license CC BY 2.0), plus several photographers, birders, and ornithologists have gifted me their images to use.

Photographers whose images are used with the CC BY 2.0 license and others who granted usage permission are listed below along with the name of the bird whose likeness I used.  The original images were altered in that I only used/photographed the bird and not the whole original image. My usage of these licensed images does not indicate an endorsement of me or this project by any of these photographers. I will update this list as more images get added to the site.

Becky Matsubara – Couch’s Kingbird

Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren

Matt Tillet – Yellow-throated Vireo

Tina Toth – Thick-billed Longspur – gifted directly to me.