“Couch’s Kingbird” near the U.S.- Mexico border

Couch’s Kingbird

  • Scientific: Tyrannus couchii
  • Spanish: Tirano Silbador
  • French: Tyran de Couch
  • Family: Tyrant Flycatchers
  • Bird Code: COKI

If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change

Predicted percentage of habitat lost

Summer range lost
Winter range lost

Climate and other threats imore info


Found in lightly wooded forests, ponds and rivers, flood plains, and sometimes in suburbs.


Rear-round resident in southern Texas and along the Gulf Coast in Mexico and Central America. Less commonly found in coastal Louisiana.

Silhouette of Grace's Warbler
Did you know?

Here is an opportunity for fledgling ornithologists: To date, like many species of Western and Mexican species, there are sadly no studies of this Kingbird’s diet or foraging and breeding habits!