“Worm-eating Warbler” with blossoms

Worm-Eating Warbler

  • Scientific: Helmitheros vermivorum
  • Spanish: Reinita Gusanera
  • French: Paruline vermivore
  • Family: Wood Warblers
  • Bird Code: WEWA

If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change

Predicted percentage of habitat lost

Summer range lost
Winter range lost

Climate and other threats imore info


Found in deciduous forests, often containing oak trees on steep slopes with a dense understory of dogwood, holly, rhododendron, or laurel.


Breeds in much of the eastern US, migrating through Texas, Florida, and Eastern Mexico to winter in southeast Mexico and parts of Latin America, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.

Silhouette of Grace's Warbler
Did you know?

Female Worm-eating Warblers, rarely leave their nest during the end of the incubation period. If they are flushed by an interloper, they flutter down to the ground and pretend to be injured in a ruse to lure predators away from her eggs.