Buff-bellied Hummingbird
BBEH- Scientific: Amazilia yucatanensis
- Spanish: Amazilia Yucateca
- French: Ariane du Yucatan
- Family: Hummingbirds
- Bird Code: BBEH
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Summer range lost
Winter range lost
Climate and other threats imore info
Oak woodlands, mesquite forests, and riparian corridors. Can also found in suburban areas at feeders or in flower gardens.
Common year-round along eastern coast of Mexico from the Yucatan peninsula up to the southeast tip of Texas. In winter, some migrate further northeast along the Gulf coast to Louisiana and sometimes beyond to Florida.
Did you know?
The Buff-bellied Hummingbird is one of the few birds in the Northern Hemisphere that migrate north (instead of south) when its breeding season is over in Texas.