Band-tailed Pigeon
BTPI- Scientific: Patagioenas fasciata
- Spanish: Paloma Torcaza
- French: Pigeon à queue barrée
- Family: Pigeons and Doves
- Bird Code: BTPI
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
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Commonly found in oak and oak-conifer forests. Large groups may also congregate at agricultural fields near woods to forage. Some are also attracted to the mineral rich soils found around springs.
Year-round residents can be found in Central Mexico and California up the coast to southern British Columbia. Breeding populations extend farther north into B.C. and also exist in New Mexico, Arizonia, Colorado, and Utah.
Like many species in the dove family, both sexes of Band-tailed Pigeons feed their nestlings “crop milk” – a secretion from their esophagus. This allows them to have a longer breeding season with more than one brood since they don’t have to rely on a particular plant or insect to feed their young.