The works from Divergence of Birds are available for sale and exhibition

Carolyn Monastra is interested in giving artist’s talks, workshops, educational lectures, and in organizing bird walks in your community. She is willing and able to work with all types of audiences from students to seniors. Please contact her for more information.

Exhibitions, presentations, and workshops can be tailored to highlight the climate-threatened birds of your region. The project images have been exhibited as framed prints as well as displayed in multimedia installations with fabric prints, window decals, bird cutouts, and aural soundscape.

Artist Carolyn Monastra standing in a room with photos of birds printed on pieces of silk hanging above her in an art exhibition on Governors Island, New York CIty.
Carolyn Monastra in one room of her Divergence of Birds installation at the NYC Bird Alliance on Governors Island, New York, 2023. For this exhibit, she printed her images on pieces of silk cloth to allude to the fragile nature of the birds’ existence.
Displayed in another room of the NYC Bird Alliance exhibit were a selection of the cutouts used in the Divergence of Birds and some framed prints. A soundscape by musician Asa Marder played in the background as part of the installation.
Decal stickers of two tree swallow birds are adhered to a glass window. Decals of some of the bird cutouts were attached to the windows in this second room of the exhibit.
Decals of some of the bird cutouts (like these two Tree Swallows) were attached to the windows in this second room of the exhibit.
Artist Carolyn Monastra talking to a group of visitors to her exhibit.
Carolyn Monastra discussed her project with visitors during a gallery walk-through. The exhibit was the culmination of a six-month residency with the NYC Bird Alliance in 2023.
During the exhibit Carolyn held an “adopt-a-bird” workshop to draw attention to the climate-threatened birds of Governors Island. Here, one of the workshop participants holds the collaged artwork she made featuring a Semipalmated Plover and an American Redstart.
Group of people posed for portrait during a bird walk
Participants in a collaborative Birds and Books workshop with artist Carolyn Monastra (far right), Monterey Audubon Society, and the Center for Photographic Art. Carmel, California – May, 2024.
During this all-day event, participants were led on a morning bird walk by Monterrey Audubon Society guide Amanda Preece (far right) who shared insights about how regional birds are being affected by climate change and other human impacts.
A small accordion book with photos of birds and text.
In the afternoon, at the Center for Photographic Art, Carolyn Monastra gave a presentation about her work and led participants in making mini accordion books (like this one above) featuring California birds.
In November 2024, Carolyn gave a workshop to K-12 Art teachers on Long Island so they could then teach their students how to make mini accordion books-in-a-tin (above and below photos).
The artist sits in front of a banner with her image of a “Tri-colored Heron.” This was displayed along the Gowanus Canal as part of the City of Water Day in New York City, Summer 2022.
The artist sits in front of a banner with her image of a “Tri-colored Heron.” This was displayed along the Gowanus Canal as part of the “City of Water Day” in New York City, Summer 2022.
The artist’s image of a “Swamp Sparrow hanging alongside other artists’ banners which were displayed in Coffey Park, Brooklyn. These banners were also a part of the exhibit Brooklyn Utopias, Along the Canal, Spring 2022.
The artist’s image of a “Swamp Sparrow” hanging alongside other artists’ banners which were displayed in Coffey Park, Brooklyn. These banners were also a part of the exhibit Brooklyn Utopias, Along the Canal, Spring 2022.
“Black-throated Green Warbler”, a silk panel installed in a window at the exhibit, Brooklyn Utopias, Along the Canal at the Old Stone House Museum, Brooklyn, New York, Spring 2022.
“Black-throated Green Warbler”, a silk panel installed in a window at the exhibit, Brooklyn Utopias, Along the Canal at the Old Stone House Museum, Brooklyn, New York, Spring 2022.

Host an Exhibition or Presentation

To schedule an exhibition, presentation, or other event, or for more information about Divergence of Birds, please email cam(@) or fill out the form below.