Yellow-throated Vireo
YTVI- Scientific: Vireo flavifrons
- Spanish: Vireo Gorjiamarillo
- French: Viréo à gorge jaune
- Family: Vireos
- Bird Code: YTVI
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Summer range lost
Winter range lost
Climate and other threats imore info
Breeds in open deciduous woodlands preferring oaks and maples along lakes, streams, and roads. Found near tree trunks high in the canopy.
In the eastern U.S. during breeding summers, migrates through the Gulf Coast to wintering grounds in southern Mexico, Central and northern South America.
Did you know?
The male generally chooses the nest site, but both sexes build a thick-walled cup-shaped nest using leaves, grass, weeds, pieces of bark, and plant fibers bound by spiderwebs and camouflaged with moss and lichen.