“Savannah Sparrow” in a field

Savannah Sparrow

  • Scientific: Passerculus sandwichensis
  • Spanish: Chingolo Sabanero
  • French: Bruant des prés
  • Family: New World Sparrows
  • Bird Code: SAVS

If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change

Predicted percentage of habitat lost

Summer range lost
Winter range lost

Climate and other threats imore info


Common in open weedy or grassy areas, including fields, marches and dunes.


Found throughout Northern United States and most of Canada during summer breeding season. Winters in southern U.S. and Mexico. Can be found year-round along west coast of North America, parts of the northeast coast, and central Mexico.

Silhouette of Grace's Warbler
Did you know?

At the turn of the 19th-20th century, it is known that the Moki Indians in the northwest corner of Arizona – called their regional western Savannah Sparrow, she-huap’che-e.