“Hermit Thrush” sitting on a fallen branch

Hermit’s Thrush

  • Scientific: Catharus guttatus
  • Spanish: Zorzalito Colirrufo
  • French: Grive solitaire
  • Family: Thrushes
  • Bird Code: HETH

If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change

Predicted percentage of habitat lost

Summer range lost
Winter range lost

Climate and other threats imore info


Can be found in the understory near forest openings and trails.


Far northern regions of North America in the summers and migrates to spend winters in much of the southern U.S. and Mexico.

Silhouette of Grace's Warbler
Did you know?

According to the Cornell website All About Birds: ““Hermit Thrushes sometimes forage by “foot quivering,” where they shake bits of grass with their feet to get insects. They also typically begin to quiver their feet as they relax after seeing a flying predator.”