Hermit Warbler
HEWA- Scientific: Setophaga occidentalis
- Spanish: Reinita Cabecigualda
- French: Paruline à tête jaune
- Family: Wood Warblers
- Bird Code: HEWA
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Summer range lost
Winter range lost
Climate and other threats imore info
In summer, found in dense forests of pines and firs. Migrates and winters in any wooded areas including those with oaks and conifers.
Breeds in Western Washington, Oregon, and into California. Winters in central Mexico.
Did you know?
Hermit and Townsend’s Warblers are regarded as “sister species,” indicating that they are each other’s closest relatives. They likely became distinct species during the late Pleistocene era, which concluded approximately 11,700 years ago.