Cerulean Warbler
CERW- Scientific: Setophaga cerulea
- Spanish: Reinita Cerúlea
- French: Paruline azurée
- Family: Wood Warblers
- Bird Code: CERW
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Summer range lost
Climate and other threats imore info
Prefer mature deciduous forests of mountain slopes and wetter lowlands.
Summer breeding range includes Ottawa, Canada plus Great Lakes and midwestern and eastern U.S. states extending into southern New York. Migrates throughout southern central and eastern states.
Did you know?
Female Cerulean Warblers have an intriguing way of leaving their nests. It might look like one is choosing to free-fall: She jumps out of the nest, keeping her wings to her side, and opens her wings only when she is well below the nest.