Bohemian Waxwing
BOWA- Scientific: Bombycilla garrulus
- Spanish: Ampelis Europeo
- French: Jaseur boréal
- Family: Waxwings
- Bird Code: BOWA
If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change
Predicted percentage of habitat lost
Climate and other threats imore info
In summer they breed in evergreen and mixed woods in far northern boreal forests. In winter, usually found in open wooded areas, but they roam anywhere they can find fruit including towns, parks, and roadsides.
As their name suggests, these birds can be wanderers. In winter they are mostly found inland in U.S. northern states and southern Canadian provinces. Some are found year-round in Alberta and British Columbia. Breed in north-central and northwestern Canadian provinces.
For nearly 2000 years, people thought that Bohemian Waxwings could glow in the dark. But by the 17th century, the Italian naturalist Ulysses Aldrovandi proved this to be false. In one of his many books on ornithology, he wrote how he kept a Bohemian Waxwing alive in his house for three months and observed it throughout the night. He never saw it glow or emit any kind of or light.