A photograph of a paper cutout of a photo of an American Robin in a leafy green tree with an empty nest behind it
“American Robin” with an empty nest

American Robin

  • Scientific: Turdus migratorius
  • Spanish: Zorzal Americano
  • French: Merle d'Amérique
  • Family: Thrushes
  • Bird Code: AMRO

If there is a 3° C increase in temperature due to unmitigated climate change

Predicted percentage of habitat lost

Summer range lost
Winter range lost

Climate and other threats imore info


Widespread in fields, forests, suburban lawns, and city parks.


Common across most of North America.

Silhouette of Grace's Warbler
Did you know?

During the winter, Robin roosts can be very large – hosting up to a quarter million birds in one area!